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240. Kingston Fun Ride & Club Pics 04-06-2023 (012. Team Picture).jpg


Anyone over 18 years old can join us. If you are below the age of 18, contact us and we can discuss further options.


Our membership will be categorised as follows:-​​


Beginner Members - £10 per year.
Membership is renewed annually on the 1st March or if you join in the second half of the membership period, the fee is 50% of the annual charge. If you upgrade to a Full Membership in the same subscription year, then we will deduct this fee from the Full Member subscription price.


Anyone can join Hampton Wick Cycling Club and will be welcome to attend the Beginner Sessions in Richmond Park, which are designed to familiarise you with the manoeuvres, calls and learning the signals we use when riding in a group. These sessions will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about cycling in general, or regarding equipment and kit. This will hopefully be informative and helpful to you if you wish to progress to group cycling out on the roads. Please visit our Events page to view the upcoming Beginner Sessions and RSVP to a date that suits you. You will be eligible to use any bicycle for these events, although as you progress and become a full member, you will be required to cycle on a bike as described below.


Please note that these beginner events are not structured training sessions, but are intended to give you an insight of what to expect on a full club ride.


Full Members - £30 per year.
Membership is renewed annually on the 1st March or if you join in the second half of the membership period, the fee is 50% of the annual charge.
Full paying members will be able to join any Hampton Wick Cycling Club event. Anyone interested in becoming a Full Member is required to attend one of our Full Member Induction Rides in Richmond Park 
prior to your membership commencing and attending full club rides. The Club will post these dates on the Events page and you can RSVP to come along on a day that suits you.


You must have one of the following types of bicycle :-  

Road bike with dropped handlebars.             

Gravel Bike - Preferably with smooth road tyres.           

Cyclocross Bike - Preferably with smooth road tyres.           

Hybrid Bike - with smooth road tyres.

A road bike tends to be lighter and with a different gearing ratio than a hybrid bike or a mountain bike. This means that cycling on a road bike will be easier and lead to less fatigue for the rider. 


Overseas Members - £10 per year.
Same as Full Membership above, but designed for cyclists who do not reside in the UK and perhaps visit family & friends and would like to cycle with us while you are here.


Life Members - From time to time, the Committee may, at their discretion, give a member an honorary membership. This will will mean that the member is exempt from paying any subscription fee. Life members will be able to join any Hampton Wick Cycling Club event.


You will need to be a Full, Overseas or Life member to be eligible to vote in the AGM or any club polls.


If you have any further questions, visit the Contact Us page and ask for more information.

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