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  • Writer's pictureJad

If you build it they will come...

Updated: Jun 15

This often misquoted line is spoken by Ray Kinsella played by Kevin Costner in the 1989 film Field of Dreams. The actual line in the movie is "If you build it, he will come". As the movie ends, you see a long line of cars coming down the lane to watch the baseball game. Since then people use the saying “If you build it, they will come” as a catchall phrase that any new business or venture you start will succeed.

You may well ask what the connection is to Hampton Wick Cycling Club. Well, during many months of planning, organising and lots of time spent setting up club accounts, there are times when you ask yourself why am I doing this? There was a period leading up to last weekend, when a heavy feeling of self-doubt hit me. What makes me think I can set up a new club? Will anyone think the club is any good? Do people actually enjoy cycling with me?

So it was with huge excitement we were able to hold our first club event on Saturday 12th November, a Beginners Session in Richmond Park. Many thanks to Eunice and Chris for coming along to the informal ride, at a very relaxed pace. These sessions are provided to let you experience group riding, where we talk through some of the manoeuvres, signals and calls used when riding with others.

We have had an amazing response with over twenty people expressing an interest in the club by requesting to join our Meetup group. We now hope to host weekly events for our members (weather permitting) and our first Full Members Induction Ride is scheduled for Saturday 19th November. This is a chance for those signed up on Meetup to come along and see what the club is all about and ask us any questions they may have. Obviously, we hope that those who attend on Saturday, will join the club and then be able to come along on our first Full Members club ride to Effingham on Sunday 20th November.

We have a list of our upcoming events on Meetup so sign up to come along to one of our rides.

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